It’s A Matter Of Degrees

Dear Fellow Enthusiast,

Years ago, when Obama was still the president, I started a website for energy efficiency for the people of Pennsylvania, aptly called efficiencyPA. Most of the residential programs his administration was touting - led by then Vice-President Biden - never happened. But you know what? They are happening today, fifteen years later. Now, energy efficiency sounds quaint, as it sounds like saving money, and in some cases, it can, but most homeowners and landlords today understand it’s going to take some real investments to their ships around.

Here’s a little factoid I’ve learned already - most of us could cut our CO2 emissions by 75%.*


  • Creating an energy efficient home (save 25%)

  • Using renewable energy at home (save 25%)

  • Choosing cleaner transportation and driving electric vehicles (save 25%)

There are many examples of countries who have made this happen. Consider people in Germany, who we’ll be calling for advice! They found there was much they could do with their old homes, and it got even easier when their government was all-in, offering generous incentives to do the necessary work. Today, Germany is actively saying "peace out" to fossil fuel heating. 🇩🇪✌️

💚So yeah, we know it’s possible to -

Create cleaner, healthier homes 🏡💚🍃Bonus: more comfortable living 🏡😊🛋️

Plus, as we cut the CO2 emissions from our homes, which for most is the second largest source right behind transportation, there will be a big high-five for the planet.**

Here's the cherry on top: Energy-resilient, renewable-powered homes are hot properties! They don't just sell faster - like hotcakes in some areas - they also fetch a better price because they are safer and healthier and more comfortable to live in.

How can we help? We’re developing tools to help you create your path depending on where you live and the condition of your home. We know that making major or long term change is never easy, and we want to give you the proper tools to at least make a plan. A good plan. For some, that will be a 1 year plan; for others, it will be a ten year plan.

Is this still just a dream? Yes, but teamwork can make the dream work.

As I’ve said before, changing the energy world shouldn’t wait for big corporations, politicians and utility companies to agree on a solution. We can make a huge difference by improving our own homes and driving in cleaner cars and buses.

John Horchner, editor

*Information for these totals was pulled from a variety of sources, mainly the EPA’s Carbon Calculator

**About 20% of the USA’s energy-related greenhouse gas emissions stem from heating, cooling, and electrifying households in the USA. For most people, this is their second largest contribution to the CO2 levels emitted in the United States, right behind the totals for driving and flying,

Green Home Living Blog
C/O efficiencyUSA
2309 Como Ave
PO BOX 8140

St Paul, MN 55108
(612) 656-9922
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